We are experts at finding money owed to individuals.

We are experts at finding money owed to individuals.
Personal Letter

Personal Letter

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Company Letter

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We Are Trusted, We Are Successful and We Get Results!

What do you look for when considering an attorney? What is the single most important element? TRUST. You want to trust your lawyer. Plain and simple. Since 1981, we have built a solid reputation on trust, results and tireless effort in servicing our clients.

The focus of the Pereira Law Firm is the collection of dormant accounts; locating individuals and business that are owed money. We are resourceful in locating these dormant accounts and persistent in finding the owners. Our primary goal is to fully inform you about what we do and eliminate any doubt about the letter you recently received from us.

We excel at contacting you with valuable information about your missing accounts. Informative letters, courteous telephone calls and emails are all part of the Pereira Advantage.

As indicated in our letter to you, there is no cost to you to hire us to collect your dormant accounts! We work on a contingency fee basis and our fee is earned only if we are successful in recovering your dormant accounts. We do everything necessary to do that, including initiating and completing any probate court proceedings, should they become necessary. We also pay any associated costs and will only be reimbursed for those costs if we are successful in the recovery. You will only need to provide us with very limited information and documentation and we do the rest.